Descendants of William & Mary LAMB
Eighth Generation 
510. John Clifford "Cliff" TANNER (John Alfred "Jack" TANNER335, Reta May METCALFE223, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1) was born on October 15, 1961 in Paisley, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, died on October 11, 2009 in Port Elgin, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada, aged 47, and was buried in Douglas Hill Cemetery Eden Grove, Bruce Co, Ontario, Canada. He was usually called Cliff.
Cliff married Joanne MORROW.
The child from this marriage was:
649 i. Lisa Marjorie TANNER
517. Kerry Jenene GREGG (George Wilson GREGG337, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Kerry married Steven Ralph PITT, son of Ralph E. PITT and Sandra BEATSON.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 650 i. Jillian Jenene PITT
651 ii. Bradley Steven PITT
519. Martin Bradley GREGG (George Wilson GREGG337, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Martin married Patricia SCHNURR.
Children from this marriage were:
652 i. Sarah GREGG
653 ii. Claire GREGG
654 iii. Kassidy GREGG
520. Nancy Elizabeth GREGG (George Wilson GREGG337, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Nancy married Eddward BOUDREAU.
Children from this marriage were:
655 i. Danielle BOUDREAU
656 ii. Matthew BOUDREAU
657 iii. Jacob BOUDREAU
521. Gina Christine ROWLEY (Catherine Ann GREGG338, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Gina married Benjamin Charles SHOEMAKER.
The child from this marriage was:
658 i. Holly Ann SHOEMAKER
523. Bevin George GREGG (Lawrence Edward GREGG339, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Bevin married Elizabeth Ann UNDERWOOD, daughter of John Vanwyck "Jack" UNDERWOOD and Mary "Isobelle" CLAZIE.
(Duplicate Line. See Person 440)
524. Leeann Reta GREGG (Lawrence Edward GREGG339, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Leeann married Kenneth Ronald MacNEILL, son of Ronald Wayne MacNEILL and Alfreda Jean ANDREWS.
Children from this marriage were:
659 i. Alisha Mary MacNEILL
660 ii. Brittany Jean MacNEILL
526. Steven John GREGG (John Allen GREGG340, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Steven married Beth Ann DALMAN, daughter of James DALMAN and Gail (__?__).
Children from this marriage were:
661 i. Jason Weir GREGG
662 ii. Marilyn Janine GREGG
527. Paul Richard GREGG (John Allen GREGG340, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Paul married Karen CUDMORE.
Children from this marriage were:
663 i. Teniel GREGG
664 ii. Tara GREGG
665 iii. Tyler GREGG
528. Barry Edward GREGG (John Allen GREGG340, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Barry married Vicki THIBAUDEAU, daughter of Pete THIBAUDEAU and Jean THIBAUBEAU.
Children from this marriage were:
666 i. Clarke GREGG
667 ii. Louis GREGG
529. Angela Rose-Ann GREGG (John Allen GREGG340, Jennie Rosella METCALFE224, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Angela married T. J. BLUNDELL.
Children from this marriage were:
668 i. Zachary BLUNDELL
669 ii. Jordon BLUNDELL
670 iii. Samuel BLUNDELL
531. Cheryl Edith Lynn BORMAN (Leona Jean McMULLEN342, Pearl Cavell METCALFE225, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Cheryl married Russel BORDEN.
The child from this marriage was:
671 i. Brian Daniel BORDEN
533. Monique Louise SEWELL (Leona Jean McMULLEN342, Pearl Cavell METCALFE225, Catherine May CRUICKSHANK154, John CRUICKSHANK96, Catherine LAMB37, Alexander8, William1)
Monique married someone.
Her child was:
672 i. Taylor Robert SEWELL
545. Roxann Lee KNOTT (Tru MICHAEL374, Pauline Dorothy ARMSTRONG245, Leslie Kyle ARMSTRONG174, Jacqueline Isabella LEASK102, Barbara Mary LAMB38, Alexander8, William1)
Roxann married Terry ITO.
The child from this marriage was:
673 i. Tomika ITO
558. Dana Lee CHEER (Denise Catherine REED382, Jacqueline Marion ARMSTRONG247, Leslie Kyle ARMSTRONG174, Jacqueline Isabella LEASK102, Barbara Mary LAMB38, Alexander8, William1)
Dana married John EYESLEIN.
The child from this marriage was:
674 i. Heather Catherine EYESLEIN
Dana next married Allan LEVER.
The child from this marriage was:
675 i. Ari David LEVER
559. Teresa Nicole "Tracy" STONEHOUSE (Shelli Lee REED383, Jacqueline Marion ARMSTRONG247, Leslie Kyle ARMSTRONG174, Jacqueline Isabella LEASK102, Barbara Mary LAMB38, Alexander8, William1)
Tracy married Chris LOFEUDO.
The child from this marriage was:
676 i. Zachary Christopher LOFEUDO
Tracy next married Kevin CULLEN.
576. Richard ARMSTRONG (Grant Ellison ARMSTRONG393, Ross Lorne ARMSTRONG251, Leslie Kyle ARMSTRONG174, Jacqueline Isabella LEASK102, Barbara Mary LAMB38, Alexander8, William1)
Richard married Lisa PRICE.
Children from this marriage were:
677 i. Morgan Allison ARMSTRONG
678 ii. Elliott Warren ARMSTRONG
604. Angela Dawn McTEER (John Wilfred McTEER411, Rella Annie JOHNSTON257, Susan Elizabeth "Ella" DALGARNO178, Mary Ann LEASK104, Barbara Mary LAMB38, Alexander8, William1)
Angela married Kevin Michael BELANGER.
The child from this marriage was:
679 i. Melanie Rose BELANGER