William "Bill" LAMB married Lottie CUDNEY they lived first in Sedgewick Alberta and then Chilliwack B.C.


Susan "Susie" LAMB married Wm. "Bill" ALEXANDER and moved to Macklin, Sask.


Margaret "Maggie" LAMB married Harry "Hank" BAKER and they lived in Sedgewick, Alberta

Folks who moved West below
Back to Granny's Album

Grace, Eva, Winnifred & Jean

Susie & Bill ALEXANDER
Photo taken in Neepawa Manitoba
"Lloyd & Russel ALEXANDER with wee Jean in Macklin" 1926

Susie ALEXANDER'S family
Bill ALEXANDER'S threshing outfit 1925

Maggie & Hank BAKER
Ganny LAMB & Lyle BAKER
Joseph, Henry & Evelyn BAKER

Maggie & Hank BAKER
"Gran, Maggie & Evelyn"
"Maggie's Family"

"Grace, Irene & Evelyn" Grace ALEXANDER, Irene LAMB
"Lyle, Jamie and Harry"
Maggie BAKER's boys
and Evelyn BAKER
"Susies children with Maggie"

Annie, Russell, Maggie BAKER,
Ross? & Howard? McGREGOR
Russell, Evelyn &
Maggie BAKER
Russell BAKER
and his violin

"Taken at Willies in Sedgewick"
William LAMB, Irene, Clarence, Granny and Lottie at Bill LAMB'S


Bill & Lottie LAMB
"Willie LAMB & son Clarence"

"Willie and his two children in Sedgewick"