Descendants of Floris Jansz VINK & DIEWERT van der WIELEN
This Descendant Journal contains all the descendants of Floris Jabsz
VINK (1659-1712) and Diewert Isbrands van der WIELEN (1664-1733) that I have
been able to identify to-date.Floris & Diewert had at least sfour childern and
lived in Winkel, Noord-Holland.
g granddaughter Trintje STRIJKER is the subject of the Pedigree Chart below.
To read this Descendant Journal go directly to the Table of Contents near the bottom of the page.

H ooistacken (Hay Stacks) Winkel Noord-Holland
This Pedigree Chart is a portion of a larger chart
encompassing all the known Ancestors of Cornelis Jan 'Case' VANDERPLAS, son of Jan Cornelis 'John' van der PLAS and Christina 'Stien' GUTTER. He was born in
Schoorl, NH and emigrated to Canada in 1949. Case maried Katherine WATSON
and they currently live in Oakville, Ontario.
This branch is on
Case's maternal side and represents

Patricia Jeanette CUTTER (GUTTER) is a direct descendant of the
Ancestors on Case's materal side. Patricia's father Peter GUTTER
was Stien GUTTER's brother. Piet emigrated to
Canada in 1928 where he marrird Jean BELL To see
Patricia's Canadian Ancestral families click on BELL Family Journal.
DNA Matches to Case VANDERPLAS
on MyHeritage or Ancestry* in this Family Journal; .Click on underlined
to see their Relationship Charts.
For more pictures of the van der PLAS Family go to Jansje's Album, also Jan & Stien's Wedding.
Table of Contents
Descendants of Floris Jansz VINK
Surname List
Index of Names
Contact Information
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Please note:
The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.
Latest Revision July 18, 2023
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