Descendants of Claas Jacobsz van der PLAS & Weijntgen Crijnen

This Descendant Journal contains all the descendants of Claas Jacobsz van der PLAS (1550-1614) and Weijntgen Crijnen (abt1550-1585) that I have been able to identify to-date. Claas and Weintgen lived in Katwijk, Zuid-Holland and had atleast three children that I am currently aware of. Claas and Weijntgen's eleven greats grandson Cornelis Jan "Case" VANDERPLAS (that's me) is the first person on the Pedigree Chart below.

To read this Descendant Journal go directly to the Table of Contents near the bottom of the page.

'Serene Summer Day' Katwijk ann Zee, Zuid Holland, The Netherlands
by Arthur Feudel born 1857 in Germany, died 1929 in Katwijk.

This Pedigree Chart is a portion of a larger chart encompassing all the known Ancestors of  Cornelis Jan 'Case' VANDERPLAS, son of Jan Cornelis 'John' van der PLAS and Christina 'Stien' GUTTER. He was born in Schoorl. NH, and emigrated to Canada in 1949. Case maried Katherine WATSON and they live in Oakville, Ontario. This branch is on Case's paternal side and represents the BAK Ancestors.

Rob VOLKERS and Bob VOLKERS are direct descendants of the Ancestors on Case's paternal side. Rob and Bob's mother, Miep van der PLAS was Jan van der PLAS's sister. Miep married Jaap VOLKERS. To see Rob and Bob's paternal ancestral families click on VOLKERS Family Journal.

Jeanette van DIEPEN is a direct descendant of the ancestors on Case's paternal side. Jeanette's mother Miep van der PLAS was Case's father's sister. Jeamettte's father Cor van DIEPEN was Miep's second husband and to see Jeanette's paternal ancestral families  click on van DIEPEN Family Journal.
DNA Matches to Case VANDERPLAS on Ancestry or MyHertitage* in this Family Journal; Click on underlined to see their Relationship Chart.
2nd Cousin
Monique SAVELKOEL - 164.6 cM*.
3rd Cousin
Rene van der PLAS - 155.3* cM
William NAT - 73.5* cM
William La FLEUR - 65 cM
Sven BIJSTER - 66 cM
Petra van der PLAS - 56.0* cM
M.V. van den BROEK - 23 cM
Reinka BERGSMA - 14.8* cM
Alex van der PLAS - 13.5* cM
4th Cousin
Christopher JACKSON - 8 cM.
5th Cousin
Albertine "Tine" HALFF - 47* cM.
Nellie van der PLAS - 43* cM.
5th Cousin continued
Cees van DUIJN - 43.2 cM.
Maartje van RIJN - 25.5* cM.
Franklin de LEEUW - 22.6* cM.
Jordan DAVIES - 19.3* cM.
6th Cousin
Sygabertha ROOD - 42.2* cM.
7th Cousin
Hans van DUIJN - 48.4 cM*.
Jan van der PLAS - 30.9 cM*.
Jody HAZENOOT - 28.6* cM.
Karin HAASNOOT - 20.8* cM.
Christal HAASNOOT - 22.9* cM.
8th Cousin
James van der VEGT - 23.9* cM.
Debby GODFROID - 16 cM.
9th Cousin
J. Al BAZ - 38.0* cM.
Andre LUIJT-TROMP - 35.6* cM.
Simone KERSHOF - 23.5* cM.
Thomas van de POEL - 21.3* cM.
Ronaldus POSTMA - 19.2 cM*.
Lisbeth VOOIJS - 18.2 cM*.
Onbekend HOEK - 13 cM*.
Anneke van der BENT - 7 cM.
10th Cousin
Rose van der PLAS - 21.9* cM.
Paul van der PLAS - 15.8* cM.
Chantel van DUIJN - 14.6* cM.
11th Cousin
Maire ROTTEVEEL - 15.8* cM.
12th Cousin

For pictures of the van der PLAS Family go to Jansje's Album, also Jan & Stien's Wedding.

Table of Contents

  Descendants of Claas Jacobsz van der PLAS
  Surname List
  Index of Names

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Please note: The majority of the data has been compiled from many different sources on the internet and the information is only as good as what has been input. Information is corroborated where possible.

Latest Revision JanuRY 7, 2024

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